How to send file from phone to PC via Bluetooth, Best ways to do it

In today’s interconnected world, the ability to transfer files seamlessly between devices has become essential. Bluetooth technology offers a convenient and wireless solution for sending files from your phone to your PC, eliminating the need for cables or complicated setups. Whether you’re sharing photos, documents, music, or any other files, this guide will walk you through the simple steps to send files from your phone to your PC via Bluetooth.

Step 1: Ensure Bluetooth Connectivity

Before you begin the file transfer process, make sure that both your phone and PC have Bluetooth functionality enabled. On your phone, navigate to the Bluetooth settings, and on your PC, access the Bluetooth settings through the Control Panel or Settings menu.

Step 2: Pairing Your Devices

To initiate the file transfer, your phone and PC need to be paired. Follow these steps:

  1. On your PC, turn on Bluetooth and set it to discoverable mode.
  2. On your phone, search for available Bluetooth devices and select your PC from the list.
  3. A pairing code or PIN may be displayed on both devices; ensure they match and confirm the pairing.

Step 3: Select and Send Files

Once your devices are paired, you can begin sending files:

  1. On your phone, navigate to the file you wish to send (e.g., a photo or document).
  2. Tap on the file and select the option to share or send via Bluetooth.
  3. Choose your paired PC from the list of available devices.
  4. Accept the incoming file transfer request on your PC.

Step 4: Receiving Files on Your PC

When the file transfer is initiated from your phone, your PC will prompt you to accept the incoming file:

  1. A notification will appear on your PC, indicating that a file is being sent from your phone.
  2. Accept the transfer request, and choose the destination folder where the file will be saved.

Step 5: Complete the Transfer

Once the file transfer is accepted on both devices, the transfer process will commence. The time it takes to complete depends on the file size and the Bluetooth connection speed.

Step 6: Verify Successful Transfer

After the transfer is complete, navigate to the designated folder on your PC where the file was saved. Open the file to ensure that it transferred successfully and is intact.


Bluetooth technology simplifies the process of sending files from your phone to your PC, offering a wireless and hassle-free solution. By following these easy steps to pair your devices, select the files, and complete the transfer, you can effortlessly share photos, documents, and more between your devices. Embrace the convenience of Bluetooth and enjoy efficient file sharing that bridges the gap between your phone and PC.