5 Easiest programming languages ​​to learn for beginners

Everyone who takes the first step into the software world with a passion, drags their feet from the door, and the obvious question comes to mind : “Which programming language should I learn?” Of course, this is not the only question to be answered. It’s not worth the money just because the programming language to learn is easy . The language, which will be studied with enthusiasm, is expected to be one of the programming languages ​​that has a future and starts to make money in the short term if possible.

5 Easiest Programming Languages ​​to Learn for Beginners

According to Wikipedia, measuring the popularity of a programming language is more complex than you might think. The popular one is expected to be easier, of course. However, while we are preparing this content, we will be based on the answers and comments from the developers around the world. We will also prioritize popularity as much as possible, so that the friends who enter this business can learn a programming language that will sell in the future. Now we can move on to the stage where we answer that famous question from different angles.


According to reviews from developers and first-time learners , Python is one of the easiest and most functional languages ​​to get your hands on . Developed in the 80s, Python is a free and open source scripting language. It is free to use and can be preferred free of charge for commercial purposes. Python gives users the chance to turn small functions into huge variations in a short time.

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Another advantage of this language is that it is a dynamic programming language and object oriented. Due to its flexibility and usability, Python is one of the most preferred all over the world as a high-level programming (scripting) language . You can also start learning Python through its official resources, where you can easily find resources to learn. Today, Python is used by many companies and organizations, especially Google and NASA .

The Django web application library, which powers countless popular websites such as Instagram and Pinterest, is also built in Python . So, Python is not a free language at all and continues to be promising.

Python is considered easy for several reasons, making it a popular choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike:

  1. Readable Syntax: Python’s syntax is clean, simple, and resembles natural language, making it easy to read and understand. This reduces the learning curve and makes code more approachable, even for those new to programming.
  2. Minimalistic Design: Python emphasizes simplicity and avoids unnecessary complexity. It has fewer syntactical rules and special characters compared to other languages, which leads to cleaner and more concise code.
  3. Whitespace Matters (Indentation): Python enforces code indentation for structuring blocks of code, which not only enhances readability but also enforces consistent and well-organized coding practices.
  4. Large Standard Library: Python comes with an extensive standard library that provides a wide range of pre-built modules and functions. This allows developers to accomplish various tasks without having to write extensive code from scratch.
  5. Abundant Documentation and Resources: Python has a vast and active community, resulting in a wealth of documentation, tutorials, forums, and online resources. This support network is valuable for beginners seeking help and guidance.
  6. Dynamic Typing: Python is dynamically typed, meaning you don’t need to declare variable types explicitly. This simplifies code writing and reduces the complexity of managing data types.
  7. High-Level Language: Python abstracts low-level details, such as memory management, which allows programmers to focus on solving problems and creating functional applications without getting bogged down in technical complexities.
  8. Interactive Shell (REPL): Python’s interactive shell allows you to experiment and test code snippets in real-time, providing immediate feedback. This iterative approach is excellent for learning and debugging.
  9. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Python is available on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This enables developers to write code once and run it on different systems without major modifications.
  10. Versatile Applications: Python can be used for a wide range of applications, including web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, and more. Its versatility encourages developers to explore different domains.
  11. Community Support: The Python community is known for being friendly, welcoming, and willing to help. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced programmer, you’ll find support from a diverse and active group of developers.
  12. Third-Party Libraries: Python has a rich ecosystem of third-party libraries and frameworks that extend its capabilities. These libraries provide solutions for various domains, making complex tasks easier to achieve.

While Python’s ease of use is a significant advantage, it’s worth noting that no programming language is entirely without challenges. However, Python’s approachable nature and strong community support contribute to its reputation as an easy and enjoyable language to learn and use.


Just like Python, Ruby is one of the popular programming languages ​​recommended for beginners. Ruby, a programming language as simple and readable as Python, is one of the dynamic , object-oriented programming languages ​​used in web and mobile application development . Ruby on Rails, prepared with the Ruby programming language ; It is used on important websites such as Twitter , Groupon and GitHub . Ruby, which can also be used in the field of back-end development; Airbnb , Shopify , Bloomberg , Hulu andIt powers Slideshare .

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Yukihiro Matsumoto , the architect of Ruby , built Ruby to be an easy-to-learn programming language. You don’t need to memorize thousands of commands like in other programming languages ​​and it’s practical .

You can easily find resources for Ruby on the internet, as well as access to many print publications. Even if you start working on the official Ruby site, you can be ready to take your first step for Ruby after 20 minutes of help. Pretty practical isn’t it?

Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language known for its elegant and expressive syntax. Here are some key characteristics of Ruby:

  1. Readability and Elegance: Ruby’s syntax is designed to be human-friendly, emphasizing readability and a natural flow. It employs a minimalist style that reduces unnecessary punctuation and special characters.
  2. Dynamic Typing: Like Python, Ruby is dynamically typed, allowing variables to change types during runtime. This promotes flexibility and simplifies coding by eliminating the need for explicit type declarations.
  3. Object-Oriented: Everything in Ruby is an object, even basic data types like integers and strings. This consistent object-oriented approach simplifies code organization and encourages a modular programming style.
  4. Garbage Collection: Ruby features automatic memory management through garbage collection. Developers don’t need to worry about memory allocation and deallocation, as the language handles this behind the scenes.
  5. Blocks and Closures: Ruby supports blocks and closures, which are powerful constructs for creating anonymous functions and implementing higher-order functions. These features enable elegant and concise code for tasks like iteration and functional programming.
  6. Metaprogramming: Ruby’s reflective capabilities allow you to inspect and modify its own structure during runtime. This makes it possible to create DSLs (domain-specific languages) and adapt the language to specific programming needs.
  7. Duck Typing: Ruby follows the principle of “duck typing,” which focuses on an object’s behavior rather than its class or type. This approach promotes code reusability and flexibility by allowing objects of different types to be used interchangeably.
  8. Gems and Libraries: Ruby has a vibrant ecosystem of third-party libraries and packages called “gems.” These gems provide ready-to-use solutions for various tasks, helping developers save time and effort.
  9. Ruby on Rails (Rails): Ruby gained immense popularity through the Ruby on Rails framework. Rails is a powerful web development framework that follows the convention over configuration (CoC) and don’t repeat yourself (DRY) principles. It enables rapid development of web applications.
  10. Community and Culture: The Ruby community is known for its inclusivity, friendliness, and willingness to help newcomers. The “Ruby Way” emphasizes writing code that is not only functional but also elegant and readable.
  11. Cross-Platform: Ruby is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and various Linux distributions, making it versatile for different environments.
  12. Interactive Shell (IRB): Similar to Python’s interactive shell, Ruby has an Interactive Ruby (IRB) environment that allows developers to experiment with code snippets and test ideas interactively.

While Ruby shares some characteristics with other programming languages, its unique combination of readability, expressiveness, and dynamic features contributes to its appeal among developers seeking a concise and enjoyable coding experience.


Before you learn JavaScript, you need to learn not to confuse JavaScript with Java. JavaScript is a client-side scripting language used in front-end development. Java is a programming language while JavaScript is a scripting language . JavaScript is used to design advanced websites and games for the internet world . Being a dynamic and flexible scripting language, JavaScript can be used object-oriented and uses the syntax of the C programming language .

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JavaScript can be run on all platforms and web browsers without the need to install any extra components. If you think that the projects you want to develop will be in the web field, then it’s time to put JavaScript at the top of the list in terms of programming languages ​​you need to learn. Since it is very popular, it is possible to say that you will have minimum difficulty in finding resources while learning JavaScript.

JavaScript is popular for a variety of reasons, and its popularity continues to grow due to its unique characteristics and widespread adoption. Here are some key reasons why JavaScript is so popular:

  1. Web Development: JavaScript is the primary scripting language for web development. It enables interactive and dynamic web pages, making websites more engaging and user-friendly. With the rise of single-page applications (SPAs) and modern web frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, JavaScript’s importance has only increased.
  2. Front-End and Back-End Development: JavaScript is used not only on the front-end (client-side) but also on the back-end (server-side) with technologies like Node.js. This full-stack capability allows developers to use the same language for both sides of a web application, streamlining development and fostering code reuse.
  3. Vibrant Ecosystem: JavaScript has a vast ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools that make development faster and more efficient. Popular front-end frameworks like React and Angular, as well as back-end frameworks like Express.js, contribute to its versatility and ease of use.
  4. Browser Compatibility: All major web browsers support JavaScript, ensuring broad compatibility and consistent behavior across different platforms and devices.
  5. Asynchronous Programming: JavaScript’s event-driven, asynchronous nature is well-suited for handling tasks like fetching data from servers and updating the user interface without blocking other operations. This is crucial for creating responsive and seamless user experiences.
  6. Community and Resources: JavaScript has a large and active community of developers who contribute to open-source projects, share knowledge through forums and blogs, and create extensive documentation and tutorials. This wealth of resources makes it easier for newcomers to learn and for experienced developers to collaborate.
  7. Easy to Get Started: JavaScript is relatively easy for beginners to pick up and start using. Its syntax is similar to other programming languages, and you can see immediate results by working with it directly in web browsers.
  8. High Demand in the Job Market: The demand for JavaScript developers is consistently high due to its central role in web development. Proficiency in JavaScript is a valuable skill that can lead to numerous job opportunities.
  9. Cross-Platform Development: With frameworks like React Native and Electron, JavaScript can be used for cross-platform mobile and desktop app development, further expanding its reach beyond just web development.
  10. Constant Evolution: JavaScript and its ecosystem are constantly evolving, adapting to new technologies and trends. This ongoing development ensures that JavaScript remains relevant and capable of addressing modern challenges.
  11. Support for APIs: JavaScript provides a simple and flexible way to interact with various web APIs, enabling integration with third-party services and data sources.
  12. Libraries for Data Visualization and Animation: JavaScript libraries like D3.js and Three.js allow developers to create intricate data visualizations and 3D animations directly in the browser.

Overall, JavaScript’s versatility, community support, and ability to power both front-end and back-end development have contributed significantly to its popularity and enduring relevance in the world of programming.


Java is one of the most popular and widespread languages ​​used all over the world as a general purpose programming language. While it was first published with Java 1.0 version in 1995, this programming language is based on the principle of “Write Once Run Anywhere” . As a class-based and object-oriented language, Java is designed for cross-compatibility. This means you can use Java on all platforms, all operating systems and all devices .

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Java is often used today in the development of Android applications, desktop applications and video games. Apart from these, there are various usage areas of Java in the server-side back-end area. The vast majority of developers confirm that Java is more difficult to learn compared to Python, Ruby, and JavaScript. Still, we can say that Java is a few clicks ahead of other languages ​​in terms of popularity and utility.

Especially the fact that Java is behind the Android world makes Java unlimited in terms of resources. You can easily find resources to learn Java in many local and foreign languages.

Java is widely used in enterprises for a variety of reasons, making it a popular choice for developing a wide range of applications. Here are some key factors that contribute to Java’s popularity in the enterprise environment:

  1. Platform Independence: Java’s “write once, run anywhere” principle allows applications to be developed on one platform and run on multiple platforms without modification. This cross-platform compatibility is essential for enterprises that need to deploy software on various operating systems.
  2. Strong Ecosystem: Java has a mature and extensive ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, tools, and third-party components that help developers streamline application development. This rich ecosystem speeds up development and reduces the need to reinvent the wheel.
  3. Scalability and Performance: Java applications can be designed to handle large-scale enterprise requirements. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) provides advanced memory management and optimization, enabling developers to build high-performance and scalable applications.
  4. Security: Java’s security features, such as bytecode verification and built-in security APIs, make it a secure choice for applications that handle sensitive data or require robust security measures.
  5. Enterprise Integration: Java’s support for various communication protocols, data formats, and messaging systems makes it suitable for building applications that integrate with existing enterprise systems and technologies.
  6. Web Applications: Java is commonly used for building enterprise-grade web applications, whether it’s traditional server-rendered web applications or modern web services using frameworks like Spring Boot.
  7. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB): EJB is a component architecture for building scalable, distributed, and transactional enterprise applications. It allows developers to create reusable and maintainable components.
  8. Reliability and Stability: Java’s strict syntax rules, strong typing, and comprehensive error checking contribute to the stability and reliability of applications. This is especially important for critical enterprise systems.
  9. Longevity and Legacy Systems: Many enterprises have existing Java applications and systems that continue to function effectively. This longevity helps organizations maintain and enhance their legacy systems while integrating new technologies.
  10. Large Developer Pool: Java has a vast and experienced developer community, which makes it easier for enterprises to find skilled developers, collaborate on projects, and seek assistance when needed.
  11. Open-Source and Licensing: Java has a dual licensing model, which allows enterprises to choose between open-source implementations (OpenJDK) and commercial offerings (like Oracle JDK). This flexibility suits various budget and legal requirements.
  12. Mobile and Internet of Things (IoT): Java is used in mobile app development (Android apps) and for building applications for IoT devices, further extending its reach into various technological domains.

Overall, Java’s combination of portability, performance, security, and a vast ecosystem of tools and frameworks makes it a robust choice for building enterprise applications that require reliability, scalability, and integration capabilities.


C is one of the preferred programming languages ​​for developing software for desktops and systems. The C language, which has been shown as an inspiration for the formation of many programming languages, has managed to influence popular programming languages, especially C++ . If you learn C properly, you can quickly consider other popular programming languages ​​to be a shambles. C and C++ languages ​​are more difficult to learn than the other popular languages ​​on our list, according to the consensus of the developers .

The reason why developers insist on C or C++ as a starting language; Having an order based on motivating beginners. For some reason, the thought of knowing that you can learn other languages ​​easily if you manage to learn the C language properly makes C quite attractive for some reason.

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C++ is another C-based programming language that can be used as object-oriented . C++ is recognized as the most popular choice by developers all over the world for developing system software. Moreover, it is still widely used to develop games, game engines, desktop software, mobile applications and web applications.

C++ is a powerful language as well as fast. Adobe System , Amazon , PayPal , Chrome and more take advantage of C++. Compared to C, learning C++ with your own efforts, unfortunately, will not be as easy as you think. If you are thinking of C, you can try to take your first step, but if you are going to choose C++, you will need a mentor to hold your hand while you take steps in this programming language.